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Payment Button Clicked


The Payment Button Clicked event is triggered when a user taps on the payment
provider's "Pay" button in the checkout page. This event provides information to the bot about the user's intention to make a payment.

Event Payload

The event payload is a JSON object with the following properties:

"event": "client_status",
"timestamp": 1457764197627,
"message_token": 4912661846655238145,
"chat_hostname": "sn-chat-04",
"user": {
"id": "jc9HsWTZ2Yf2NkRZ8KcNug==",
"name": "John McClane",
"avatar": "http://avatar_url",
"country": "UA",
"language": "ua",
"api_version": 1
"status": {
"type": "payment",
"code": 0,
"supported_psps": ["", "LiqPay", "Portmone"],
"tracking_data": "tracking data"
eventThe event name.Always client_status
timestampThe time the event was triggered.Unix timestamp in milliseconds
message_tokenUnique ID of the message
chat_hostnameThe hostname of the bot server
userThe subscriber object.See Subscriber Object
statusThe payment status object.See Payment Status Object